Project Acknowledgements

This exhibit was curated by Dunya Ramicova and Jerrold Shiroma. Organizational and financial support was provided by the UC Merced Library and the UC Merced Center for the Humanities. Many individuals contributed to the realization of both the exhibit and the overall project. Thank you to the following for their assistance in making this project possible: The staff and Librarians from the UC Merced Library; The staff of the Merced Multicultural Arts Center; Sherri Berger, Brian Tingle, Adrian Turner, and the rest of the UCLDC DAMS team at the California Digital Library; Ignacio López-Calvo and Christina Lux from the UC Merced Center for the Humanities; UC Merced Development; Jennifer Biancucchi and James Leonard from UC Merced Communications; and Jannani Krishnan.